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Famous Things Invented Accidentally - ( Chips , Coke , Tshirts etc )

Famous Things Invented Accidentally Several invention takes place after a huge research and struggle of many years of scientists but some how there are some things that are invented accidentally and even their inventors don't know about the importance of that products or don't think that their inventions become a vital part of life in coming years.   1:Cone Ice Cream First thing that invent accidentally is Most favorite of Every person in all seasons in-spite of winter or summer "Cone Ice Cream". Its a most demanding food item of every one all over the world not only for kids, every age group have cravings for Cone Ice cream. Cone Ice Cream in 1904 there was a fair festivals named "worlds Fair" in which different stalls of food items arranged for all persons that come to fair. There was a person named "Arnas A Hanvi " belonging to SHAM who sales waffles in a fair that today we get with every Cone ice cream. Arnas A Hanvi Waffl