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Famous Things Invented Accidentally - ( Chips , Coke , Tshirts etc )

Famous Things Invented Accidentally

Several invention takes place after a huge research and struggle of many years of scientists but some how there are some things that are invented accidentally and even their inventors don't know about the importance of that products or don't think that their inventions become a vital part of life in coming years. 

1:Cone Ice Cream

First thing that invent accidentally is Most favorite of Every person in all seasons in-spite of winter or summer "Cone Ice Cream". Its a most demanding food item of every one all over the world not only for kids, every age group have cravings for Cone Ice cream.

Cone Ice Cream
in 1904 there was a fair festivals named "worlds Fair" in which different stalls of food items arranged for all persons that come to fair. There was a person named "Arnas A Hanvi " belonging to SHAM who sales waffles in a fair that today we get with every Cone ice cream.
Arnas A Hanvi
A that time waffles are called "ZALAYBEA".

Beside Arnas there was a stall of ice cream that sales in cups but because of tremendous crowed in sunny summer all cup of ice cream were sold. He needs more cups for ice cream, so, Arnas find out the solution of his problem he gave him his waffles to add ice cream on waffles and sale them instead of cups ice cream.

This Combination of Ice cream & Waffles are liked by every one so this way Cone ice cream is invented accidentally.

2:Tea Bags
Tea Bags is used in almost used in every home or offices 2 or 3 times a day but its invention story is quite interesting. In 1903 a person Named Thomas sales Coffee & Tea leaves.
 He Packed coffee & Tea Leaves in canes and send it to all over America's Shops.

 After some time he assume that sending all stocks in canes charged him too much money and mostly profit amount is used in all packaging so, he start sending tea leaves in handmade silk bags. These Silk tea leaves bags became famous with the passage of time.
and finally his thoughts turn silk bags into famous tea bags.
Tea bags Lipton

Thomas never think that his accidental invention become the vital part of future daily life but New version of Tea Bags that we use today invented by William.
T Shirt
T Shirts are most common wear of males but you know it was designed only for bachelors boys because at that time only buttons shirts or Dress shirts was a dress code for any meetings or family gathering & its difficult for Bachelors to tie a button if it torn out from shirts.
 In 1904 company named Cooper give an add for T shirt and introduce T shirt very first Time in market.

T shirts

3:Ice Lollies
Ice Lollies is sale by Many Famous Companies and also in a form of Gola Ganda Locally with a different colors sweet syrup like Green Red Yellow.

Ice Lollies
Ice Lollies invented in 1905 by 11 years old kid "Frank Apperson" by mistaken when he was playing with sweet syrup and stick in backyard and leave it for a night Next Day he discover that sweet syrup freeze because of minus degree temperature and look like ice lollies.
After 18 Years Frank Start its Frozen soda water business at the beach of California.
   AT Time Ice Lollies called Popsicle.
 In 1925 Frank sales its Popsicle Right to New York Company Joy Lork 

Frank Aperson

& this way Ice Lollies or Gola Ganda is a summer's favorites item.

Chippsssssss word sounds like a craze of every one, whether its a home made or a packaging like Lays Curr-lies best solution when you feel a little hunger or need a salty spicy snack break. Actually that tasty chips was invented by Chef Goerge Crum accidentally.

  In 1953 Fried potatoes was a famous and most demanding order in Restaurants. In New York 's Restaurant SAYRA TUBA SPRING a chef named George Crum was working & he is fed up with one of his customer.

That customer comes to eat only fried Potatoes and always send back to chef after complaining that Fried potatoes are too much cooked or slices of potatoes are too much thin.
One day George furiously over cooked Fried Potatoes after cutting them in thin layers and added too much salt.These Potatoes become more crispy than usual and by chance liked by that customer & became a famous snacks.

At that time it was famous as SARATOGA Chips. 
5:Coca Cola
Coca Cola was invented by a Pharmacist JOHN PAMERTEN. He was working on Introducing different Medicines but none of his Medicines was successfully used. 

when Civil War was started in America JOHN PAMERTEN also take part in it, whenever he get injured he used too to take MORPHINE drug and soon he was addicted to that drug.
John Pamertan

He created a mixture with the combination of Coca & Kola Nuts so, this way Coca Kola or Coca Cola Syrup is invented.

PEMERTEN started to sale it as brain Tonic but at that time there was a demand of many cold drinks so this Coca Syrup convert into coca cola Drink.
Coca Cola Syrup

Before his Death he sale coca cola Formula to business ti-con ASA CANDLLER.
Asa Candller
 ASA CANDLLER spread Coca Cola as a soft Drink all over the world.  
Coca Cola


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